How to make your hotel Digital in 5 steps with Edaya Hospitality Platform

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The Edaya Hospitality Platform is an all-inclusive solution that enables hoteliers to provide visitors with exceptional services. Additionally, visitors may easily take pleasure in their entire stay.


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  1. Create a free account in Edaya platform

From Edaya website anyone can create free account via the login page.

To continue to the next page, enter your email address. You will then get a 6-digit confirmation number for verification. If necessary, the code will be sent again.

Then you may create a password.

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  1. Enter property details

You must provide information about your hotel for the next step, whether it is a standalone business or part of a larger network.

The name of your hotel, its category (such as four stars or above), the total number of rooms, etc. can all be added on the next page.

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  1. Subscribe a plan (select free plan)

You may select a plan for additional services here; select a free plan to get started.

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  1. Set Up the App for the hotel.

After the payment page, your hotel’s Edaya admin panel will be set up in accordance with your requirements.

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  1. Share the app link with your guest

Share the Edaya guest engagement application with your guest.


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