In today’s world, social media plays a vital role in the hospitality industry. Having a strong social media presence is essential for hospitality giants to reach out to their customers and increase their engagement. Here are a few tips on what posts will help hospitality industry giants get more social media engagements.

share the behind the scene

1. Share behind-the-scenes moments: Share photos and videos of your staff hard at work, preparing the food, decorating the venue, and organizing events. This will give your customers an insight into what goes on behind the scenes and create a personal connection with them.

new menu

2. Introduce new menu items: Post pictures and descriptions of your new menu items. This is a great way to get your customers excited about trying out your new offerings. Make sure to use high-quality images and descriptive language to make the dishes sound as appetizing as possible.

show case your venue

3. Showcase your venue: Post pictures and videos that showcase the beauty of your venue. This could include pictures of the interior, the view, or even the event setup. This will not only attract potential customers but also make existing customers feel proud to have visited your venue.

share customer reviews

4. Share customer reviews: Share positive reviews and feedback from customers on your social media channels. This not only highlights your excellent customer service but also encourages others to visit your venue. Make sure to thank the customers and, if possible, tag them in the post.

collaborate with influencers

5. Collaborate with influencers: Collaborating with influencers within the hospitality industry can significantly increase your social media engagements. Reach out to food bloggers, travel influencers, and event planners, and collaborate with them to create unique and engaging content.

Remember, overall, it’s important to keep your content creative, cohesive, and engaging. By following these tips, hospitality industry giants can significantly increase their social media engagements and reach out to a broader audience.